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My journey started in 1992 when my life and career was to change for ever, I started to study Shiatsu, Reiki, Massage, Thai Massage, Psychic Development, Remote Viewing, Hypnosis, NLP and after working the four directions walking the path to be a shaman. My desire to see into the world of spirit and energy has shown me that by using the mind, intent and focus, I can go to an altered state of mind, trance. This is the place of what seems like magic, the unseen world of healing, knowing and peace, where energy is seeking balance all the time.

It is not fluffy, fantasy, the place of lovely sickly dream escape, but a real world where we can learn to live with our earthly bodies and not try and hide from them.This place where there is no time, our ancestors still walk with us, using a forgotten knowledge a knowing that allows you to no longer fear death. See beauty in simple things to feel the earth beating under your feet.

Bringing you closer to your own God who has a Thousand names.